Kerb Stone

Home Kerb Stone

Kerb stone, also known as curb stone or edging stone, is a type of precast concrete block that is used to define the boundaries of a pavement, walkway, or driveway. Kerb stones are commonly used to create a barrier between the pavement and the adjacent surface, such as a garden or roadway.


Kerb stones are made of high-quality concrete mixed with aggregates and pigments to create a durable and long-lasting product. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, making them versatile and suitable for a wide range of design applications.


Kerb stones are typically installed in a bed of concrete or other suitable foundation material to provide a stable and secure base. They can be used to create a range of design features, such as curves, angles, and slopes, to accommodate different levels and shapes of the surrounding landscape.

In addition to their functional benefits, kerb stones also add an aesthetic appeal to outdoor spaces. They can be used to create a unique and stylish look that complements the architecture and design of the surrounding environment.


Overall, kerb stones are a reliable and attractive solution for defining the boundaries of a pavement, walkway, or driveway. They provide a range of functional and design benefits that can enhance the safety, accessibility, and visual appeal of any outdoor space.



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